Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) Training
- Module 1- Introduction and Eligibility Requirements
- Module 2 - Obtaining Coverage Under MSGP
- Module 3 - SWPPP
- Module 4 - Sectors: G - Metal Mining, H - Coal Mines & Coal Mining Related Facilities, and J - Mineral Mining and Dressing
- Module 5 - Sectors: P - Land Transportation and Warehousing, S - Air Transportation Facilities, and Q - Water Transportation
- Module 6 - Sectors: D - Asphalt Paving, Roofing Materials and Lubricant Manufacturing and E - Glass, Clay, Cement, Concrete, & Gypsum Products
- MSGP Training Notebook
Additional Resources
2020 Permit Recordings (MPEG Videos)
- Module 1 - Introduction and Eligibility Requirements
- Module 2 - Obtaining Coverage Under MSGP
- Module 3 - SWPPP
- Module 4 - Sectors: G - Metal Mining, H - Coal Mines & Coal Mining Related Facilities, and J - Mineral Mining and Dressing
- Module 5 - Sectors: P - Land Transportation and Warehousing, S - Air Transportation Facilities, and Q - Water Transportation
- Module 6 - Sectors: D - Asphalt Paving, Roofing Materials and Lubricant Manufacturing,and E - Glass, Clay, Cement, Concrete & Gypsum Products